Imagen de portada para Korean endgame [electronic resource] : a strategy for reunification and U.S. disengagement / Selig Harrison.
Korean endgame [electronic resource] : a strategy for reunification and U.S. disengagement / Selig Harrison.


Korean endgame [electronic resource] : a strategy for reunification and U.S. disengagement / Selig Harrison.
Harrison, Selig S., author.
Información de la publicación:
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©2002.
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xxix, 409 pages) : maps.
A Century Foundation book
Nota general:
"A Century Foundation book."
The paralysis of American policy -- Nationalism and the "permanent siege mentality" -- The Confucian legacy -- Reform by stealth -- Gold, oil, and the basket-case image -- Kim Jong Il and his successors -- Trading places -- Confederation or absorption? -- The United States and reunification -- Tripwire -- The United States and the military balance -- New opportunities for arms control -- Ending the Korean War -- The tar baby syndrome -- Guidelines for U.S. policy -- The U.S. nuclear challenge to North Korea -- The North Korean response -- The 1994 compromise : can it survive? -- Japan and nuclear weapons -- South Korea and nuclear weapons -- Guidelines for U.S. policy -- Will history repeat itself? -- Korea, Japan, and the United States -- Korea, China, and the United States -- Korea, Russia, and the United States -- Then and now : the case for a neutral Korea.
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Fecha de publicación:
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©2002.