Imagen de portada para Node Web Development [electronic resource].
Node Web Development [electronic resource].

Node Web Development [electronic resource].
Herron, David, 1820-1900.
Autor personal:
2nd ed.
Información de la publicación:
Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2013.
Descripción física:
1 online resource (248 pages)
Nota general:
Chapter 5: Implementing a Simple Express Application.
Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; Acknowledgement; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: About Node; The capabilities of Node; Server-side JavaScript; Why should you use Node?; Threaded versus asynchronous event-driven architecture; Performance and utilization; Is Node a cancerous scalability disaster?; Server utilization, the bottom line, and green web hosting; What's in a name: Node, Node.js, or Node. JS?; Summary; Chapter 2: Setting up Node; System requirements; Installing Node using package managers; Installing on Mac OS X with MacPorts.

Installing on Mac OS X with HomebrewInstalling on Linux from package management systems; Installing the Node distribution from; Installing Node on Windows using Chocolatey Gallery; Installing the StrongLoop Node distribution; Installing from source on POSIX-like systems; Installing prerequisites; Installing developer tools on Mac OS X; Installing from source for all POSIX-like systems; Maintaining multiple Node installs simultaneously; Run a few commands; testing the commands; Node's command-line tools; Running a simple script with Node; Launching a server with Node.

Npm -- the Node package managerStarting Node servers at system startup; Summary; Chapter 3: Node Modules; Defining a module; Node modules; Node's algorithm for resolving require(module); Module identifiers and path names; Local modules within your application; Bundling external dependencies with your application; System-wide modules in NODE_PATH and elsewhere; Complex modules -- modules as directories; Node package manager; The npm package format; Finding npm packages; Using the npm commands; Getting help with npm; Viewing package information; Installing an npm package.

Installing native code modules on WindowsInstalling packages local to a module; Eliminating duplicate modules installed beneath node_modules; Listing the currently installed packages; Package scripts; Editing and exploring installed package content; Updating outdated packages you've installed; Uninstalling an installed npm package; Developing and publishing npm packages; npm configuration settings; Package version strings and ranges; CommonJS modules; Demonstrating module encapsulation; Summary; Chapter 4: HTTP Servers and Clients -- A Web Application's First Steps.

Sending and receiving events with EventEmittersEventEmitter theory; HTTP server applications; HTTP Sniffer -- listening to the HTTP conversation; Web application frameworks; Getting started with Express; Walking through the default Express application; Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with Express; Computationally intensive code and the event loop; Algorithmic refactoring; Making HTTP Client requests; Calling a REST backend service from an Express application; Implementing a simple REST server with Express; Refactoring the Fibonacci application for REST; Some RESTful Node modules; Summary.
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Fecha de publicación:
Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2013.