Search Results for Wellbeing - Narrowed by: ClickView (Firm) SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dWellbeing$0026qf$003dAUTHOR$002509Author$002509ClickView$002b$002528Firm$002529$002509ClickView$002b$002528Firm$002529$0026ps$003d300?dt=list 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z Wellbeing Essentials : Planning [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303218 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303218.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Celebrate Small Accomplishments Focusing on big distant goals mean satisfaction is rare and short-lived. Instead, break work into smaller accomplishments, and keep a list to mark off each small win. Chapter 2: Perils of over-planning Planning seems like a good thing, and in moderation it is, but it can also be a sneaky form of procrastination and a way of avoiding the fear of actually starting. Make the most basic plan you need in order to take action, then act, and revise the plan as you go. Chapter 3: The bias toward action If you're facing a fork in the road... take it. Be Bold. You regret the things you don't do, not the things you do. Inaction means you can berate yourself forever about what might have been. Once you've taken the plunge, by contrast, you'll find a way to feel good about what you've done.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Workplace Generations [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303221 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303221.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Don't believe the myths Don't expect everyone to conform to their generational stereotypes. Just because you're a digital native, it doesn't mean you'll be fast to adopt new technology, and vice versa. Most people want the same things from work, regardless of their age. Chapter 2: How to support your apprentice or interns Even 'ignorant' interns possess useful knowledge, it's your job to find it. Today's junior employee is tomorrow's senior employee - they will remember who helped them to get there. Set their expectations, be approachable and interested, help them learn, and learn from them. Chapter 3: How to be a colleague Don't be a millennial stereotype. Be present in meetings, and spend face to face time with colleagues it's the original social networking!<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Happiness Habits [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303215 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303215.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Gratitude It's all too easy to get acclimatised to the good things in life, and focus only on the bad things. Think about what you're grateful for - you can even try writing them down. Don't forget the tiny things! Chapter 2: The power of ritual Rituals can help with work and happiness. If you enjoy a specific moment at work, resolve to do it at the same time each day. Use a 'shut down routine' so you can leave work feeling good. Chapter 3: Memento Mori Philosophers agree that life is more vivid and meaningful when we take time to contemplate mortality. It can also make us more compassionate. Consider keeping a 'memento mori' - as reminder of your mortality. Make choices by asking how you'd like to be remembered at your own funeral. Chapter 4: Keep learning Find ways to learn and develop yourself, from workplace training to learning a language. Build on your existing strengths, and follow your natural curiosity - it's a better motivator than 'what will help my career?'<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Practical Wellbeing [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303219 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303219.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Mult-tasking Multi-tasking isn't a thing. It just means failing to do any one thing properly. Switching between tasks has an interruption cost, it takes longer to get back to focus. Focus on one task at a time, until it is complete, or you will struggle to make progress. Chapter 2: Targeted acts of kindness Being helpful or kind to a colleague will make you feel good: targeted, not random acts of kindness. Focus on where kindness is needed, not just on &quot;being a nice person&quot;. Don't cut kindness out of your life when you feel time's at a premium - it'll make stress worse. Chapter 3: The cheese sandwich solution Sometimes the solution to your stress is a simple one. Physical causes like hunger, fatigue or needing exercise are often to blame. Make sure you stay fed, well slept and exercised to avoid stress - you could even keep a note on your desk to remind you. Chapter 4: Get physical When dealing with a stressful or overwhelming challenge, don't chain yourself to your desk. Sometimes the solution isn't in your head. Try changing your physical situation as a refresher. Time in nature is priceless - even five minutes in the park has been shown to help.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Workplace Excellence : Wellbeing and Balance [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304523 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304523.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Workplace Excellence: Wellbeing &amp; Balance is part of the Workplace Excellence Series, a set of documentary case study programs filmed in best practice organizations - an online recruitment business, a travel business, a city government and a school. Encourage a healthy attitude in your workplace by providing health initiatives and activities; provide a safe and caring environment. Ensure an appropriate work-life balance is established and maintained. Feel and see the benefits that exercise and a healthy approach have in your workplace.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Getting Stuff Done [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303213 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303213.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: You don't have to 'feel like it' We tell ourselves that we need to be in the right mindset to work, but actually that makes it harder. Focus instead on taking some physical actions - and the 'motivated' mindset will usually follow. Chapter 2: Don't confuse effort with results You are not a machine, and a tiring day does not mean a good day. Focus on results: define the most important three results for your day, and do them in the times you are naturally most productive. The rest of the day is for lesser tasks. Take regular breaks, especially in stressful periods. Chapter 3: The first hour of the day How you spend the first hour in the office will determine your momentum for the rest of the day. Use it to work on a challenging project, before checking email or voicemail, rather than plunging into distraction right away.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Criticism and Failure [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303212 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303212.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Embracing Failure Choose to see failure as a sign of you reaching the edge of your comfort zone. Fight against perfectionism, which just makes you miserable. Try deliberate imperfection. You could actively seek out low-risk experiences of failure - try new skills where if won't matter if you fail. Chapter 2: Fire Your Inner Critic We all have an inner critic, but we don't have to follow its instructions, or believe what it says. Treat your inner critic like a toddler, not a boss you must obey. Personify you inner critic, by giving him or her a name, so it won't be a god-like voice of truth anymore. Chapter 3: Be Kind to Yourself We often treat ourselves in ways we'd never treat even our least favourite colleague - yelling internally at ourselves, setting expectations we can't meet, berating ourselves for less-than-perfect work. Catch yourself in the act of self-criticism, it is not self-indulgent to treat yourself well.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Emotions versus Evidence [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303214 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303214.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Keep a sense of perspective We catastrophise: if something goes slightly wrong, we assume everything's gone terribly wrong. We project disasters in our future. Try to keep perspective and recall previous occasions when you catastrophised, remembering that a catastrophe didn't follow. Ask yourself how you will feel about it one day, one month or one year from now. Chapter 2: Empathy Consider why colleagues are behaving in a way that annoys you. Try stepping into their shoes and seeing things from their perspective. Beliefs, not events cause distress - figure out which beliefs are making you upset. Recall when you have behaved badly and remember your reasons. Chapter 3: The worst-case scenario Instead of 'looking on the bright side', it can be useful to ask 'what's the worst that could happen'. In considering the worst outcomes, you realise that you could cope with most of them. Chapter 4: Mind-reading If you think people have negative views of you it's easy to find &quot;evidence&quot; of that. Don't let a lack of confidence lead you to read things the wrong way. Ask for feedback regularly.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Inside Your Head [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303217 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303217.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Don't compare your insides to other people's outsides We only have access to our own inner monologue of worry and self-criticism but nobody else's. Resist comparing your insides with other people's outsides - remember that social media is an edited highlights reel, not reality. Chapter 2: Just don't think about it! (The Backfire Effect) You can't push thoughts out of your head - in fact, trying to do so will generally make them louder. If you are friendlier toward them the more stressful ones will often float away of their own accord. Chapter 3: You are not your emotions Understand that your emotions are not you, even though it's easy to assume they are. Your feelings about certain things will come and go, like the weather. If you label your negative emotions as they arise, they'll fly away faster... Chapter 4: Get everything out of your head The human mind is a marvel, but it's a terrible device for storing lists of information. If you don't write lists, you'll be stressed by what you might be forgetting. So make lists - they bring immediate relief from stress, even before you tackle the tasks.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Team Wellbeing for Managers [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303220 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303220.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Reward people like grown-ups Reward people the way you'd like to be rewarded. The best awards tend to be non-physical, like praise and respect. An opportunity to work on a challenging project can be a highly motivating reward. Chapter 2: Embrace your introverts and pessimists We tend to assume a happy workplace means a workplace full of extroverts and optimists. In fact, introverts and pessimists have a major role to play. Pessimists help foresee and forestall problems; introverts are great listeners and thinkers. So embrace your introverts and pessimists. Chapter 3: Entrust people with big responsibilities Make people happy by making their work meaningful. Entrust them with slightly bigger responsibilities than they might feel ready for, and resist the urge to monitor their progress obsessively.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Wellbeing Essentials : Personal Wellbeing for Managers [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303216 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303216.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Chapter 1: Don't spread the anxiety virus Emotions are contagious, anxiety especially. Anxiety will get in the way of productivity, so communicate urgency calmly, and be careful not to spread anxiety. Chapter 2: Show your vulnerabilities Showing too much confidence will intimidate rather than inspire employees. Try and be open with them about your insecurities and failures. Encourage your staff to act in the presence of insecurities, rather than trying to eliminate them. Chapter 3: Transparency Transparent workplaces are high-morale workplaces, so keep all your staff informed. When you're near the top of an organisation, it's easy to assume other employees are as informed as you are. Share as much information as you can about your company's plans. Chapter 4: You can't force 'fun' There's nothing more cringeworthy than 'fungineering'. Forced fun usually backfires- employees can resent it. Instead, try to create opportunities for people to engage in what they find fun. Focus on giving people autonomy, not making the workplace fun.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Care Home : Nutrition and Well-Being [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301999 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301999.1)<br/>Summary&#160;This title is aimed at care workers and kitchen assistants and examines what constitutes a healthy diet for the older person. Filmed in a real working care home, this is an invaluable resource in ensuring that elderly service users are provided with healthy, nutritional meals.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Insights and Strategies : 6 Keys to Wellbeing [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303911 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303911.1)<br/>Summary&#160;A practical programme covering the 6 keys to psychological wellbeing at work. Kylie Bell explains how people can flourish and thrive in their lives, based on the PERMA theory. Kylie Bell offers strategies to ensure positive emotion and engagement at work. People need the opportunity to do what they do best every day. Strong positive relationships at work increase trust and wellbeing. Meaning beyond your personal gain will more likely lead to engagement. Personal meaning needs to be linked to the organisation's purpose. Expectations must be set and if not met, feedback can be given. People who are physically healthy perform better.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Influences on Health and Wellbeing : The Physical Environment [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301884 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301884.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Environmental health goes beyond monitoring and managing the physical environment. It spans areas of public health issues, such as noise and visual pollution, waste disposal and pest control and is a major, yet often subtle influence on the health and wellbeing of a community. Living in a rundown, neglected and unhealthy physical environment, can impact directly on individual and community health. Other factors relating to the physical environment, such as access to community facilities, public transport and employment, also shape the quality of life. In this film, environmental health workers with Brent Council in London Jennifer Barrett and Clive Dinsey, together with social worker Ben Hoskins and Julia Twigg from the University of Kent, offer insightful reflections on a range of environmental health areas, including air and water quality, noise pollution, access to employment and safe neighbourhoods.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Digital Wellbeing : Is Technology Dangerous to Our Mental Health? [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304221 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304221.1)<br/>Summary&#160;With increased screen time for learning, parents and educators are worried that this can have a negative effect on a young persons mental health. This video looks at the latest research about technology and mental health.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Digital Wellbeing : Helping Students Find Balance When Learning Goes Online [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304222 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304222.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Speaker and coach James Aidoo gives practical strategies to educators to help their students unplug and find balance when teaching and learning goes online.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Digital Wellbeing : Educator Strategies: Finding Balance When Teaching Goes Online [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304223 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304223.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Educator Shelina Warren gives practical strategies to help educators discover ways to unplug and find balance when teaching and learning goes online.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Emotional Pedagogy and Strategies : Educator Emotional Well-being in Online Teaching [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304200 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304200.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Clinical psychologist Asha Patel, discusses what educators need to know about the importance of their emotional well-being.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Sport and Competition [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301432 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301432.1)<br/>Summary&#160;This programme explores the necessity of competition in sport. How does it affect performance, participation, physical and mental well-being, and enjoyment?<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Simple English : Are You OK? [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303794 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303794.1)<br/>Summary&#160;This programme covers our wellbeing and simple language for feeling unwell, It introduces the use of should, simple words, expressions and tips and a practice section.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Scatter Plots and Gym Training [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302108 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(302108.1)<br/>Summary&#160;In this clip, a series of scatterplots are used to show how regular gym attendance has an effect on variables such as resting heart rate, feelings of well-being and TV viewing habits. The data is collected through surveys of gym members, and scatterplots are constructed. This clip explores correlation, negative and positive, and lines of best fit.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Understanding Gender : Gender and Stereotypes [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304587 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304587.1)<br/>Summary&#160;What's the difference between sex and gender? How do children learn gender stereotypes? Why can gender norms have harmful effects on people's health and wellbeing? This video answers these questions and more, exploring the influence that gender has on how we live our lives. An informative resource for students learning about inclusivity in Health and Relationships classrooms.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Home Care : Infection Prevention and Control [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302065 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(302065.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a key element identified by Skills for Care and is vital to the well-being of people that need support and their care workers. Good IPC is essential. This domiciliary care based training resource provides substantial support in making sure staff understand and comply with legal obligations, as well as significantly improving staff skills and knowledge in this area.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Cutting Edge Communication : Stretching the Team [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302623 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(302623.1)<br/>Summary&#160;For staff who find themselves in the same position for too long during the workday it is important to introduce stretching and exercise to prevent injury and promote wellbeing. Carol and Marcus discuss the benefits of exercising and Marcus introduces Brittany his trainer to the team to take them through a series of stretching exercises. Despite some differences in the capacity to successfully manage the stretches people generally enjoyed the activity to varying degrees.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Sleep, Insomnia, and Sleep Hygiene : How Does Lack of Sleep Affect Your Performance at Work? [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304465 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304465.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Arriving into the workplace early in the morning, sleep deprived and fatigued presents many challenges throughout the day. With links to irritability and wellbeing, reaction and awareness, lack of sleep is plainly a detriment to your performance at work. Our sleep science professionals discuss why workplace environments may inhibit sleep.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> A Bit of Science behind Why We Become Stressed [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304466 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(304466.1)<br/>Summary&#160;We've all heard the common phrase 'flight or fight response' when faced with alarming and difficult predicaments, but where did it originate? Chartered Occupational psychologist Emily Hutchinson discusses the science of the brain and history behind this term, and how it has adapted through our evolution into modern day stresses, which we now interpret as things that could endanger our wellbeing.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Mental Health: The Individual and Society [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301700 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301700.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Maintaining mental health in a complex, demanding society is necessary for participation in our world. Accountability for healthy choice is good for people and society. This programme shows many aspects of mental health at a personal level, with steps and processes for recovering and maintaining well-being. It also explains how community structures play a crucial role in offering resources and systems of living that encourage mental well-being.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> The Healthy Teacher [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302672 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(302672.1)<br/>Summary&#160;This professional development programme will inform teachers about the importance of finding balance between teaching and lifestyle. The programme will explore the areas that affect teacher's physical, emotional and social wellbeing in reducing stresses and anxiety. Teachers will have a gain an appreciation and understanding of what is the importance to healthy eating, physical activity, wellness and mind matters are essential to achieving optimal health within the teaching profession. This is great resource for new and beginning teachers to the profession.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Care Home : Infection Prevention and Control in the Care Home [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301927 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301927.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) is a key element identified by Skills for Care and is vital to the well-being of people that we support and care for. Good IPC is essential for service users, staff and managers as well as your business as a whole. This programme provides substantial support in making sure you understand and comply with legal obligations as well as significantly improving staff skills and knowledge in this area.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Drugs: Facts and Fiction [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301775 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301775.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Drug use and abuse is something that is likely to affect most people at some point in their lives. But really just how harmful or harmless is drug use? Featuring case studies of two young adults who have been negatively affected by drugs, this programme seeks to explore what drugs are, legal and illegal drugs, the effect of drugs on a person's health and wellbeing, what to do in a crisis and prevention and treatment strategies for those affected by drug use and abuse. Features commentary from Chris Morley, a drug and alcohol worker from the Youth Substance Abuse Service.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Nurses at Risk [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301690 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301690.1)<br/>Summary&#160;The job of a nurse can be an extremely demanding one and so it is important that nurses are careful to monitor their health and stress levels to maintain their own well-being. In this informative programme, we identify the various ways that the health of nurses can be easily compromised and strategies that can be employed to enjoy good health. We cover topics of nutrition, exercise and the importance of communication with friends and family. This is an essential programme for all nurses to assist in reducing the risk of becoming ill from stress and maintaining yours and your colleagues health. Includes a special introduction in Chinese.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301618 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301618.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Many different factors influence our wellbeing. What we do and what we put in our bodies has a direct impact on the way we feel. A person's physical, social and cultural environments are all factors which may improve or hinder a person's lifestyle, as well as their family influences and peer groups. In Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle we investigate the three main aspects of health: physical, psychological and social. We also discuss physical activity, healthy food choice and appropriate decision making with regard to drug use and risk taking situations. It's all up to us as individuals. We are in control and can change anytime we want.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Insights and Strategies : Mindfulness at Work [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303915 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303915.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Mindfulness is a buzz word that also delivers manifold benefits. It means focusing in the present without judgment. Kylie Bell tells Eve Ash about a Roy Baumeister study which gave people apps that randomly asked what they were thinking about: the past, the present or the future. Most were found to be thinking about the future. The study also tested wellbeing and found participants were happiest when they focused on the present. When people are practicing being mindful, they are less stressed, more youthful and resilient with higher productivity. Kylie and Eve go through some techniques that help.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Insights and Strategies : Power up with Strengths [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303920 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303920.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Kylie Bell talks with Eve Ash about strengths and the part they play in enhanced wellbeing. Knowing we have strengths makes us more engaged and motivated, resulting in less stress and depression and better health. New strengths can be discovered any time, especially through various strength finders and profilers which are available online. Allowing people to perform to their strengths also increases productivity by 40% while turnover decreases by 50%. People's strengths are encouraged through others noticing, coaching and directing them to suitable tasks. Acknowledging people's various strengths enables greater tolerance of difference.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Diet Related Disorders - Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity and Coeliac Disease [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301779 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(301779.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Around one in two people in Australia, the UK and the US are overweight. Knowledge of nutrition is integral to making healthy food choices. In this programme we examine three diet-related disorders, looking in detail at the characteristics, causes, treatment and strategies for prevention. Common western health problems such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes and Coeliac disease are discussed and their relationship with our diet explained. Follow us as we explore recent developments in food aimed at enhancing health, the impact of food consumption on nutrition, and ways of meeting food requirements to maintain optimum health and well-being.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> General Social Care : Raising Concerns and Whistleblowing [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303611 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(303611.1)<br/>Summary&#160;As a social care worker or volunteer, your first responsibility is to promote the safety and well-being of the individuals you support, protecting them from danger, harm and abuse at all times. In part this is achieved when you come across a situation that causes you concern and you report this to an appropriate person Designed to give you the confidence that sharing a concern is the right thing to do, this video will help you answer such questions as: Why do I have to raise my concern? How do I raise a concern? Who should I tell? What should I do if my concern is not dealt with appropriately? It starts by exploring how we often raise concerns naturally and informally as part of our day-to-day routine and that this is a positive thing to do.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Raising Concerns and Whistleblowing [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302053 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(302053.1)<br/>Summary&#160;As a social care worker or volunteer, your first responsibility is to promote the safety and well-being of the individuals you support, protecting them from danger, harm and abuse at all times. In part this is achieved when you come across a situation that causes you concern and you report this to an appropriate person. Designed to give you the confidence that sharing a concern is the right thing to do, this video will help you answer such questions as: Why do I have to raise my concern? How do I raise a concern? Who should I tell? What should I do if my concern is not dealt with appropriately? It starts by exploring how we often raise concerns naturally and informally as part of our day-to-day routine and that this is a positive thing to do. The program then considers what types of concerns you must raise: resource problems; operational difficulties; bad practice. It concludes by looking at where to go for support and the benefits of whistleblowing.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/> Rotorua: A Case Study in Sustainable Tourism [electronic resource] ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302860 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z 2024-05-14T03:02:11Z by&#160;ClickView (Firm)<br/>Call Number&#160;XX(302860.1)<br/>Summary&#160;Tourism is an important industry to many nations worldwide, and New Zealand is no exception. Rotorua on New Zealand's north island is the birthplace of tourism in that country, having hosted visitors to the city and surrounding area since the early 19th century. Geothermal features, Maori culture, the spa/health and wellbeing industry and the region's spectacular lakes and forests are the attractions that draw around four million visitors a year to Rotorua. But is the industry sustainable economically, socially and environmentally? A range of strategies and management practices are focused on this very question. This programme examines the Rotorua tourism industry and its economic, social and environmental impacts, and looks at what is being done, and what needs to be done, to ensure the industry remains sustainable for the long term. It features a range of local interviewees, including Oscar Nathan, General Manager of Rotorua Marketing and a range of operators, managers and owners of significant local tourism businesses, including YHA, Waimangu Volcanic Valley, Volcanic Air Safaris, The Buried Village, Mitai Maori Village, Te Puia Cultural Centre and River Rats Raft and Kayak. It is an essential resource for senior students of Geography and Tourism, and also provides a comprehensive case study of an industry for students of Economics, Social Studies and allied disciplines.<br/>Format:&#160;Other<br/><a href="">ClickView Player</a><br/>